When the microphone was turned around on me: Charlotte Post interview
It's never easy for a journalist to get interviewed or for a novelist to talk about herself. OK, maybe it's just me. But this week I was featured in The Charlotte Post . I have a history with the Post, it was there where I fell deeply in love with journalism. It was there that I was given the chance to cover sports. I'm talking I covered the original Charlotte Hornets when I was in college. So, I was honored to be interviewed by this paper and reporter Ashley Mahoney. http://www.thecharlottepost.com/news/2015/01/29/arts-and-entertainment/author-turning-the-page-on-romance/ “Whether it’s 100 words, 1,000 words, or 10,000 words, I have to write something every day,” Hodges explained. “That’s something that Victoria Christopher Murray—who is a best-selling novelist and a friend of mine—actually said. It makes sense because that one word today could turn into that 1,000 tomorrow and 10,000 the next day.” She has another novel to show for her efforts, as her latest ...