Meet Ashley Fayton!
In my first ever blog post, I want to say somethings that has steadily been on my mind. Hopefully, it'll help you understand a little about me. 1. I am a Christian. But I'm also me. Beautifully, flawed me. I seek after God's face but I'm not there yet. Therefore, I curse sometimes, I act a fool sometimes and I do me sometimes. I guess someone would consider me a "Liberal Christian." I honestly don't care what you call me, but just keep it classy when you do call me. 2. Fuck love! (That cursing happened quick didn't it?) Love just might be the greatest pimp/terrorist/hoe ever created. Forget money, the desire of love is the root of all evil. I have a great respect for love. I want it more than anything I've ever wanted in life. It's the one constant prayer I have. While everyone else is on their knees Sunday morning asking God for a house, new car, more money; or for my less self-involved readers, better health, their son's salv...