
Showing posts from July, 2018

Birds of a feather? Not always. . .

You've heard the old adage, Birds of a feather flock together. That's a fucking lie. Okay, maybe this is a one off situation, but I was stuck so hard by it, I had to write this blog post. Once upon a time, several years ago, one of my best friends was living a romance novel. A second chance romance with a childhood sweetheart that ended up with an island wedding. It was so beautiful, I almost wrote a book about it. Nearly ten years later, their union is stronger than ever. My friend and I were having a conversation a few weeks ago about one of his old booty calls reaching out to him on social media. And he was like, I told her I was married. Then, what happened? I asked. Nothing, that was the end of it like it should've been. I smiled brightly and told him that the world could use more men like him. He matter of factly said, "I couldn't imagine going home and looking in my wife's face lying to her. I wouldn't know how to do that." #Allthef...