Iris Bolling is my hero

Oh how I wished I lived in Richmond, Va.
Iris Bolling, author of the wildly popular Heart Series, has taken her books to TV on her terms.
I saw the first episode on YouTube.

And baby, I'm hooked.

I'm glad Iris is the writer and producer of this series. I'm glad her baby is being well received --cause it is good -- and it shows that writers know how their books should be presented.

Bravo to Iris Bolling, my hero. My role model.

And if you want to bring this series to your local CW, sign this petition!


Lana Krumwiede said…
Cheris, Richmond VA loves you back!

Would you consider coming to visit? We have an incredible writing conference in the fall every year.

We would love to have you. If you're interested, let me know and we'll figure out how to discuss it. Thanks for this terrific post!
Lana Krumwiede said…
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