Why do 80s babies lie so well? Our cartoons taught us how

I'm a woman of a certain age. If you ask me, I'll lie. But I digress.

I grew up in the 1980s watching some of the greatest cartoons ever. I'm talking Jem and The Holograms, She-Ra: Princess of Power, He-Man and The Masters of The Universe, Thundercats, GI Joe and Transformers.

These days, TV sucks. Reality shows about characters who are more cartoonish than anything I saw as a kid. So, I watch my childhood favorites a lot. It's a little quirk of mine, I need white noise when I write. But I hate to hear people talking while I'm writing. Weird, I know.

Anyway. As I was watching the first season of She-Ra the other day, I realized something. Most of my favorite cartoons were all based on a lie. A secret identity that no one could know about. She Ra, like He Man, couldn't even tell their parents that they are the most powerful people in the universe.

Who can keep that secret? Why would you want to? Then there was Jem. Everything about Jem was a lie. Her boyfriend was cheating on her with herself. What?

As a little kid, you're secretly being taught to keep secrets and that telling lies are Okay if you can justify it in the end. Like, Jem couldn't tell anyone about Synergy because in the wrong hands, the computer could have been used for evil.

Fast forward to adulthood, ever get in a conversation with someone who was raised in the 80s? Can't tell fact from fiction, can you? That's because we 80s babies learned to lie everyday. We learned it so well that it's become an epidemic. It is hard to tell when someone is telling the truth. Hell, we've been taught to lie for so long when an 80s baby tries to tell the truth it doesn't come out right.

Jem even sang a song about it. Wanna hear it, here it goes:


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