Talking Soulmate with Deatri King-Bey

Deatri King-Bey is not just one of my favorite writers, but she is one of my favorite people.
She was one of the first editors to look at my work and can you believe she liked it?
Deatri is an all around force of nature when it comes to crafting stories. And I'm loving the Precious Jewels Series.

Her latest installment, Soulmate, is ready for you to download right now!

Deatri talked to me about the series and Pearl!

1.     The Precious Jewels series has a bunch of kick butt heroines. What has been the response from readers?

From the moment I introduced the Precious Jewels in my Write Brothers series, readers have been begging for a series surrounding them. So far the feedback has been all positive. The Precious Jewels are not damsels in distress who need a man to come riding in on his white horse to save them—at least not in the traditional sense of save. The Precious Jewels kick butt and take names later. Their heroes had to be strong Alpha males who recognizes and appreciated that they were still women who wanted to be loved and cared for.

2.     Tell the readers about the latest installment in the series.

This go around, you get to know Pearl—the misfit. She never felt like she fit in her family and because of her extreme lifestyle (she’s routinely in death defying situations and jumps out of perfectly good planes for fun and such), most people don’t understand her. She longs for someone to love and to love her for who she is, but knows there is no Mr. Right for her. Her latest assignment links her with a boring school teacher who turns out not to be so boring.  Then the adventure begins.

3.     What's been the best part of writing this series? It reads like you are having a lot of fun writing it.

I like to say there are four Precious Jewels, each special in her own way, and I mean it. I am having a BALL writing their stories. They are a very close knit family, look very similar, grew up in the same household… the similarities go on and on, but each has a distinct personality and outlook on life. So each one’s story has ties to her sisters’ stories, yet is completely different in tone. I probably wouldn’t have been allowed to do this in traditional publishing.

4.     How many more jewels can we expect?

Jade is the last Precious Jewel, but there are other books coming from this series. Along the way readers have fallen in love with secondary characters and asked for their stories also. I’m just glad they are the same characters that I’d been wanting to write additional books for also.

5.     How can readers follow you on line?

I’m terrible online. I know I should be promoting, promoting, promoting, but that’s just not me. If you are interested in receiving an announcement when I release a new title, please sign up for my announcements: I also have a personal Facebook page that if you want to “Subscribe” and hear me talk about whatever, come on over. I do ask that people subscribe instead of requesting friendship because I don’t accept friend request anymore. There is a limit on friends you can have, but  no limit on subscribers. Crazy, huh?

6.     What is next in the works for you?

I’m finishing up a novella, have an erotic romantic suspense I need to send to editing, writing the third book in the Black Widow and the Sandman series I write with Curtis Alcutt as L. L. Reaper and about to start Jade’s book. Whew, I have a busy year before me. LOL.

7.     What has changed in publishing since your debut novel?

My first title was published almost a decade ago with a traditional publisher. Back then I was working as a developmental editor and doing marketing for small publishing houses. The industry is almost completely different now. Not just on the traditional side, but also on the self-publishing side. It would take a few books to say what has changed. I will say that I love that authors have more options now, and have more control over their careers. 

The heart of the Precious Jewels Security Agency, Pearl Nicolas’s life has become one undercover assignment after the next. Happy, yet jealous, that her sisters are finding their soulmates, Pearl reluctantly accepts there is no soulmate out there for her… Or is there?

Tariq Suárez Anzar’s life changed when he became a single father of a teen. When a possible drug ring is suspected on his daughter’s prep school campus, the Precious Jewels are called in to find out exactly what is going on. But Tariq discovers so much more—Pearl. From the first moment they met, everything within him screamed, “She is your soulmate!”

Timing would be perfect for Tariq to go after his soulmate except one tiny thing—his daughter is Pearl’s only lead in the case. Patient as much as he is determined, he will not let this once in a lifetime chance slip by to have the family he wants.

Thank you, Cheris,


I do know about the lover part but, they make excellent friends.Most that i've met have a very calm personality and are deep thinkers.Most of them don't jump to conclusions and aren't judgemental and very friendly.
Digital Nomad Spirit

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